Troop Stats Last War Survival

Understanding Troop Stats

In the Barracks, you’ll encounter various troop statistics that might leave you wondering about their meanings. There are six key stats associated with your troops:

  1. Power
  2. Morale
  3. Troop Load
  4. Hero HP
  5. Hero Attack
  6. Hero Defense

Let’s explore what each of these stats does in battle.


Power indicates the contribution of each trained troop to your base’s overall power. For example, a level 1 troop adds 24 power to your city, while a level 10 troop (Unit X) contributes 1,647 power. Training higher-level troops can greatly boost your city’s power in a short amount of time.


“For every 1% your morale exceeds the enemy’s, your equal deals an additional 1% damage.”

Troop morale is important for your squad’s performance in battles. It determines how powerful your troops are, ranging from no bonus (equal morale) to a massive 200% attack boost!

Here’s how morale works:

  • Morale Impact: Losing troops can lower morale, affecting your damage output. Higher morale means better performance, especially in PvP (player vs. player) battles. Although morale also affects PvE (player vs. environment) scenarios, it’s not shown in battle reports.
  • Damage Principle: If one side has significantly higher morale than the other, the lower morale side takes more damage.

Morale is influenced by several factors, including troop levels, various technological research, and other elements that increase your squad size, such as the War Leader’s ability and VIP survivors.

Troop Load

“Each unit of capacity allows your squad to carry more resources when gathering or looting.”

The third important troop stat is Troop Load. This stat determines how many resources each soldier can carry when gathering on the world map or attacking other players’ bases. A level 1 troop has a load capacity of 400, while a level 10 troop can carry 2,200 resources.

For example, if you have 1,000 level 10 soldiers in your squad, each carrying 2,200 resources, the total amount they can gather would be 1,000 * 2,200, which equals 2,200,000 resources.

Troop Load can also be increased through various technological research upgrades in the Tech Center. Additionally, there’s a plunder cap mechanic that limits the amount of resources you can loot from an enemy after a certain number of successful plundering attempts.

With the War Leader profession, you can increase your daily plunder cap by an additional 50%. This means you can plunder 1.5 times the usual amount before reaching the plunder cap.

Hero HP

“Increases the HP of every hero in your squad.”

The fourth statistic is Hero HP. This stat indicates how much HP each of your troops contributes to the total HP in battle. Total HP is calculated by adding your hero’s HP to the HP provided by your troops.

For example, if your hero has 49,995 HP and your 105 troops collectively have a total of 134,175 HP, your overall HP would be 184,170.

Hero Attack

“Increases the Attack of every hero in your squad.”

The fifth statistic is Hero Attack. This represents the amount of attack each troop contributes to your base attack (ATK) during battles. For example, if your hero has a base ATK of 1,200 and your troops add another 400, your total ATK would be 1,600.

Hero Defense

“Increases the Defense of every hero in your squad.”

Hero Defense functions similarly to the previous two statistics. It determines how much defense your troops contribute to the total defense during battles.

For example, if your hero has a defense (DEF) of 1,321 and your troops provide an additional 1,762 DEF, your total defense would be 3,083. When an enemy attacks, this total defense reduces the incoming damage.


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